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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Day 48: Seoul (Pat Bing Soo - Korean Red Bean Dessert)

I attended my first cooking club in Fraser. But this time there wasn't any cooking because we were making desserts. It was so easy, even the kids can do it. :)

Pat Bing Soo

The recipe

First, we were served a glass of mitsigaru (bean powder mixed with water).

Mitsigaru, it tastes quite nice and refreshing.

The only tool that we need: the ice shaver.

A not so friendly manual ice shaver. You need two people to operate this thing, one person to hold it firm while the other does the shaving.

The ingredients

More ingredients

And more...

Pomegranate juice

Actually there's no hard and fast rule of making this, you just add everything that you like on top of the shaved ice. :D But of course you cannot skip the red beans (azuki beans).

This is my messy pat bing soo. :P

I think my favourite combination is to put a lot of red bean paste, and then bean powder, green tea powder, rice cakes, raisins, milk, pomegranate juice, fruit cocktail and jellies. I love the green tea taste, so I put a lot of it. The rice cakes are sweet, this is different from the rice cake used in tteobokki. And the pomegranate juice added a dash of something different but I don't know how to explain this. :P

See how the professionals did it.

Very appetising, right?

It's a fun class.

According to our instructor, all the ingredients can be bought at Lotte Mart. They also sell an easy pack that contains red bean paste, rice cakes, bean powder etc. I probably would buy one next time. :)

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