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Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Day 16: Munich (Germany) - Hopfgarten (Austria)

The weather was rather cold, it had been drizzling since early morning. We were going back to Munich city center to continue our sightseeing.

Frauenkirche (Women's cathedral)
Once upon a time, an architect asked the devil to help him build a church and in return, he promised him that the church would not have any window. After the church was completed, the architect led the devil to the middle of the church where he couldn't see a single window. But in reality, there were windows at the side walls which were hidden by the pillars. The devil stamped his foot with so much rage that his footprint was visible on the stone floor.

Church hall

Devil's footprint

Neues Rathaus (new city hall)

Glockenspiel (the cuckoo clock) at new city hall

Alte Rathaus (old city hall)

Both of us love Munich (see the cookies)

The new city hall looked older than the old one. The reason was the old city hall was burnt once and they rebuilt it. So now, it looked newer than the new city hall.

The Glockenspiel chimes every hour on the dot. And that day without exception, people was waiting for the chime even under the rain. Finally, a little routine started, there were six or seven statues rotated slowly and it went on for 10 minutes. There it was!! Very boring and absolutely overrated.

Water rafting
We would get a little adventure later in the Austria countryside. But, it had been raining all day and the weather was getting cold as well. I even wore my jacket in the coach. I actually hope that it would be cancelled. But as it turned out, it would be going on as planned. Oo, it would be freezing out there.

After quickly put on the wetsuit, boots, life jacket and helmet, we were divided into 3 groups of ten each and then they briefed us on the safety precautions. Soon after, we were asked to carry the raft down the stream via the muddy path. It was heavy and we only had 3 guys in our group. After that, the instructor asked all of us to go into water and soak for a while, so that we were used to the cold, it was damn freezing...

Our team

Then, for safety training, each of us had to jump to the water and swim back to the raft in the middle of the river. It really scared me, but after I did it, it was not so bad after all.

The rapid looked quite big, but actually it was not that scary after we passed through it, but we were all be wet for sure. This was exciting...I preferred this than any roller coaster ride.

The journey was 15 km long which took about 1.5 hour. We passed a few big rapids and some big rocks, all of us were completely wet and freezing except our instructor. The weather didn't help us at all, it was still raining.

Once we reached to the other end, we had a very hot shower. Then I ordered a bowl of goulash soup. It was a beef soup with lots of pepper. It really felt so good!!

This was truly memorable. Both of us had a lot of fun and felt very excited.

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